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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related term climate emergency.

1 result

Portsmouth City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… ................................................................................................................................10 1.3 Climate emergency declaration ................................................................................................................................11 1.4 The role of local authorities ...................................................................................................................................... 12 2.Our.guiding.principles…

… to tackle climate change is a priority for Portsmouth City Council and our refreshed Climate Change Strategy is the cornerstone for its delivery. To me, this is central to the way we work. The strategy highlights just a few areas where council teams, our contractors, and partners have already been delivering together to help address the climate emergency. I am grateful for all they have achieved…

… of climate refugees. Direct Environmental Impacts } Change and damage to ecosystems and biodiversity. } Reduced crop yields and watering needs. } Reduced fish catch. } Reduced air and water quality. } New range of mosquito and water-borne disease. Portsmouth City Council Climate Change Strategy Introduction 1.3 Climate emergency declaration 6 UK Government (2008). The Climate…

…. To strengthen this and support national priorities, in March 2019, PCC declared a local climate emergency. In doing so, the council has resolved to8: } Make Portsmouth City Council operations “net zero carbon” across all scopes by 2030. } Pledge to support efforts to make Portsmouth city net zero by 2030, ahead of the national 2050 target. } Develop a city-wide carbon strategy and implementation…

… opportunities for cost savings in our operations through renewable and lower carbon energy systems. Although addressing climate change adaptation in Portsmouth is not part of our climate emergency declaration (section 1.3), this strategy aims to have a longer-term outlook and ensure all climate change thinking is proactively embedded into PCC decision-making. Mitigation Adaptation Reduce carbon…


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