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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related terms ecological crisis, and climate emergency.

1 result

Devon County Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… – 2030 Contents 1. Summary 2. Introduction 2.1. The Devon Climate Emergency 2.2. Purpose of this Plan 3. Carbon Emissions 3.1. The Council’s Carbon Footprint…

… 2.1. The Devon Climate Emergency In February 2019 Devon County Council (DCC) declared a climate emergency and in May of the same year brought together partners from across the county to form the Devon Climate Emergency project. The 27 partners prepared the Devon Climate Declaration, which requires its signatories to review their plans (within 6 months) to reduce their own organisation’s carbon…

…. The offsetting of residual emissions will be implemented through independently verified projects in Devon wherever possible, most likely to be habitat restoration and creation to respond to the ecological emergency, but not exclusively; funding energy efficiency and renewable energy schemes may also be considered. Emerging technologies and the opportunity for the market to provide new services to help…

…. Furthermore, the council has stipulated that it wants to use offsetting in Devon as an opportunity to enhance the natural environment to help address the closely related ecological crisis and develop economic opportunities related to offsetting locally. However, it is not quite as simple as planting some trees or installing some insulation in a village hall: The project needs to be subject to independent…

… described in Table 7 will begin to enhance the council’s experience of carbon offsetting and understanding of how the funds that will increasingly become available from all sorts of organisations wanting carbon offsetting services can be best spent in Devon to address the ecological emergency and decarbonise the built environment and transport sectors. Table 7 – Activities to offset residual emissions…


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