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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including 4 closely related terms such as biodiversity, ecological emergency declaration, and biodiversity emergency.

1 result

Thanet District Council

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… | Energy and Climate Change The Climate and Biodiversity Emergency Thanet District Council declared a climate emergency on Thursday 11 July 2019. As part of this declaration the Council has resolved to: Do what is within our powers and resources to make Thanet District Council carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account…

… declared a climate and ecological emergency, as have NGOs worldwide and a number of international governments. The groundswell of people of all ages, calling for a new approach demonstrates that there is so much more that must be done. As part of the climate emergency we have also acknowledged the ecological emergency. The Intergovernmental Science policy platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services…

… we can live, how we grow our food and access to water. The biodiversity or ecological emergency is linked into the climate emergency. Hundreds of thousands of different species of animals and plants are facing extinction because of human activity, according to the United Nations. These species are part of the complex ecosystems which provide vital services humans depend on for survival…

… a Climate Change Officer, Thanet District Council has employed a number of new officer roles over the whose objectives feed into the climate change and ecological emergency declaration. Biodiversity and Horticultural Officer whose role includes advising on Thanet District Council’s tree stock, hedgerow and shrubs with the Open Spaces team, assisting with the implementation of tree and woodland…

… The Climate and Biodiversity Emergency - Thanet Skip to content Thanet Newsroom Media & Filming A – Z…


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