Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… North Herts Council Climate Change Strategy 2021-2026 NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 2 The issues caused by climate change will have a profound effect on the lives of everyone for many years or even decades. That is why in May 2019 North Herts District Council declared a climate emergency and committed to take…
… on Global Warming highlighted that any effort to limit global warming to 1.5°C as agreed in the Paris accord would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society and the declaration of a Climate Emergency. In line with this, in their 2019 report the CCC similarly asserted that Climate Change requires more ambitious reductions and radical actions by national government…
… Strategy 2019 demonstrates how the national government will tackle all sources of air pollution and boost the economy. Climate Emergency Motion affirmed Parliament’s commitment to addressing Climate Change. While there is no single definition of a Climate Emergency, the general consensus is to work toward becoming carbon-neutral by 2030. At the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) Agreement placed…
…. In accordance with this, the Council will continue to provide a clean and safe environment, in consultation and partnership with local people. We will continue to protect the natural and built-up environments and address the impacts of the climate emergency; in our approach to waste and recycling, food hygiene, environmental crime and the management of air quality areas. Over the last two decades…
… to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle plastics. Most notably, in 2019, the Council passed a motion to declare a Climate Emergency, in this motion the Council pledged their commitment to do everything within its power to make North Hertfordshire Carbon Zero by 2030. This declaration asserted the Council’s commitment toward Climate Action beyond current government targets and international agreements…