Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. To achieve this, global emissions must reach net zero by 2050. Westminster City Council declared a climate emergency in September 2019 and committed to achieving net zero carbon emission from council operations by 2030 and across the city by 2040. The ambitious level of change required…
… to meet this target will affect almost every aspect of our daily lives. It is vital we work together to create a climate emergency action plan that reflects the priorities of all those who live, work and study in Westminster. By tackling climate change, we will achieve many benefits including lower energy bills, better health and wellbeing, improvements to our surrounding environment and a city…
… themes: people and communities; organisations and economy; buildings and energy and movement and places. We are inviting your feedback on these draft recommendations as well as your priorities and ideas for action to create a climate emergency action plan. Our vision is to work in partnership with everyone who lives, works or studies in Westminster to achieve a net zero carbon city by 2040…
… offsetting to address remaining emissions whilst benefitting the local economy. People and communities Community involvement will be vital across all elements of the climate emergency, from shaping the action plan to behaviour change and rolling out local programmes. Your input will ensure a clear role for the community is incorporated into the action plan. There are 125,001 homes in Westminster…
… to ensure businesses are accountable for their performance. Foster city-wide collaboration with organisations to tackle the climate emergency. Build the capacity of organisations to understand, report and reduce the carbon emissions associated with their operations. Introduce standardised performance measurement and transparency requirements for commercial developments to report on operational…