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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related term climate emergency.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 23 June 2020 Part: 1 If Part II, reason: Title of report: Climate Change Emergency Strategy and Action Plan Contact: Councillor Andrew Williams, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate Emergency Author/Responsible Officer – Mark Gaynor, Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration Purpose of report: The purpose of this report is to set out the feedback from…

… the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out in Appendix One to this report, on the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan. Recommendations 1. That, with the inclusion of any changes and additions that Cabinet are minded to accept following the feedback from the June Strategic Planning…

… and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and, on the housing elements, the June Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Climate Emergency and Action Plan be approved. 2. That any changes to the text resulting from recommendation one be delegated to the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the Leader of the Council to approve 3. That the Climate

Emergency Statement in Appendix 4 be approved 4. That Cabinet recommend Council create a budget for the Climate Emergency of £75,000 in 2020/21 and authority be delegated for its expenditure be made to the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration and the Assistant Director Corporate and Contracted Services in consultation with the Leader be approved Page 2 Agenda Item 10 5…

…. That an annual review of the progress of the Strategy and Action Plan be made to Cabinet each year and an update be provided to Cabinet in September 2020 on initial progress 6. That a training and development programme for both staff and Members be delivered in 2020/21 7. That a ‘Climate Emergency impact statement’ be incorporated into Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny reports Period for post…


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