Including the closely related term climate emergency.
…, Wandsworth Council declared a Climate Emergency, setting a target to be a carbon neutral organisation by 2030. In January 2020, the Finance and Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive approved an annual action plan which set out a series of actions to deliver its ambitious ten-year Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy (WESS). This paper provides an update…
…, and £30,000 in 2023/24 to fund schemes as detailed in paragraph 78. The Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan 4. On 17th July 2019, Wandsworth Council declared a Climate Emergency, resolving to be carbon neutral as an organisation by 2030, carbon zero by 2050 and the greenest inner-London council by 2030. 5. Recognising the need for urgency, at the same time…
…. The events of 2020 posed a challenge in the delivery of Wandsworth’s climate change ambitions. In addition to the existing climate emergency, a new and more immediate emergency presented itself in the form of COVID-19. This has meant that staff across the Council have needed to change the way they work and concentrate on helping the people of Wandsworth protect themselves from Wandsworth…
…. As laid out in the first WESS Action Plan, 540 trees were planted by April 2020, with 80 trees given to community organisations to plant on their own land. External validation of Wandsworth’s climate approach 34. A study by UCL published in September 2020 looked at the challenges and opportunities for local authorities in the context of climate emergency action planning. The study found…
… that Wandsworth Council was rated highly in its administrative capacity to lower carbon emissions, only one of four local authorities that specified the co-benefits of climate actions, and were rated third best out of the 33 authorities in terms of climate action planning. Wandsworth was also specifically highlighted by the Managing Director of Climate Emergency UK in a report by the Local Government…