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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related term climate emergency.

1 result

Winchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 1 WINCHESTER CLIMATE EMERGENCY CARBON NEUTRALITY ACTION PLAN 2020 - 2030 2 SECTION 1 Introduction...............................................4 SECTION 2 Priorities ..................................................11 SECTION 3 Delivery principles.....................................13 SECTION 4 Implementation and governance…

… and unspoilt open spaces. We are looking to meet the challenge of ensuring generations to come have a positive future and that means taking positive action now. This means we have declared a Climate Emergency and are working with residents, businesses, stakeholders and specialist agencies to ensure we put all we need into making local life more environmentally sustainable. We will be closely…

… on river system health, depleted aquifer/reservoir volumes, negative impact upon agriculture, fire risk; • Many terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species will shift their geographic ranges and seasonal activities, migration patterns. In response to this unprecedented challenge, in June 2019 Winchester City Council declared a ‘Climate Emergency’; and to: • Commit to the aim of making…

… across the district to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans and drawing on local and global best practice; • Support the lobbying of Government in relation to the Climate Emergency and providing the additional powers and resources needed to meet the 2030 target. CLIMATE EMERGENCY DECLARATION SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 5 PURPOSE OF THE CARBON NEUTRALITY ACTION…

… operational estate Decarbonise landscaping/ partial refuse Electrify heating Decarbonise business car travel Decarbonise P&R buses OFFSETTING SECTION 2: PRIORITIES 13 COUNCIL PLAN 2020-2025 The council is developing its plan for the next five years that sets out what it wants to achieve and to address the main challenges facing Winchester District. “Tackling the Climate Emergency


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