Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… Wigan Borough Outline Climate Change Strategy 1 NET ZERO CARBON - VISION 2038 UTLINE CL MATE CHANGE STRA EGY 2 Introduction The Future Generation of Wigan Borough The Climate Emergency, COVID-19 and our Health Working together in our borough Climate Change Action Planning Climate Change Strategy…
… from wider internal services as well as external stakeholders. “PROTECTING OUR FUTURE TOGETHER” Measuring up to the Climate Challenge Section 12 Climate change is a very real and existing threat and is no longer an issue that we can afford to ignore. On 17th July 2019, Wigan Council acknowledged the climate and environmental crisis by declaring a climate emergency and since that time…
… a climate resilient future. Wigan Council declared a Climate Emergency on 17th July 2019 in a bid to acknowledge the urgency surrounding this complex and vital issue. Wigan Council will display strong leadership and work collaboratively with communities, partners and organisations to ensure our Council reaches the target of net zero carbon by 2038, with a strong influence across Borough…
… emissions. This plan sets out Wigan Council’s ambition and a road map as to how we will tackle these challenges together, ensuring we take advantage of the opportunities that will emerge from early action on the climate emergency. 1.1 OUR CLIMATE EMERGENCY “Although climate change may appear a global issue dealt with by governments on a national scale, we all have a duty as individuals…
… • To set out its proposals and policies for meeting these objectives 2.5 GLOBAL FRAMEWORK 17 “IN JUNE 2019, THE UK GOVERNMENT INCREASED THE UK’S LEGISLATED TARGET FOR GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS FROM AT LEAST 80% TO AT LEAST 100% BY 2050.” 18 SECTION 3 : THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY, COVID-19 AND OUR HEALTH 19 2020 was predicted to be the year of change for environmental…