Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… and Engagement Action Plan 1 Governance, Engagement and Collaboration 2 Production and Consumption of Resources 3 Transport and Travel 4 Heat and Energy 5 Natural Environment 6 Skills and Green Growth 7 Homes, Workplaces and Buildings 4 5 1 Foreword Traford Council was one of the frst local authorities to declare a climate emergency in November 2018, whilst Greater…
…. Tackling the Climate Emergency is a long-standing issue in the UK, refected in the legally binding target in the 2008 Climate Change Act, which was revised in 2019 to a 100% reduction in emissions by 2050. In October 2018, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse…
… that Traford has the right structures and resources in place to take advantages of the opportunities that are expected to be announced. Since the climate emergency declaration, the Council has continued to work across its service areas and in partnership to deliver climate change and carbon reduction initiatives ‘in the areas outlined below, as reported to the Council’s Executive in September…
… as collaboration through geographical clusters are proposed as two important means of developing projects and actions. Alongside these building blocks will be two newly created groups - a Traford Climate Change and Air Quality Commission and a Traford Climate Emergency Resident’s Panel, supporting a Traford Citizen’s Assembly, where the action plan will be discussed and developed further as a result…
… Council-Business Alliance Geographicals Clusters Council-sectoral Partnerships (Traford Partnership) Tra fo rd Clim ate Ch ang e a nd Air Qu alit y C om mis sio n Traford Climate Emergency Resident’s Panel 12 6 Governance and Engagement 14 15 It is important to establish a clear governance framework for progressing work in response to the climate emergency…