Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… CARBON AND RENEWABLE ENERGY LIVERPOOL CITY REGION CLIMATE PROGRESS UPDATE 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 The report provides an update on progress to address the Climate Emergency declared by the Combined Authority at the Annual Meeting in 2019, including a roadmap for the creation of an LCR Climate Action Plan and associated strategies. 1.2 The report also updates the Combined…
… Authority on the establishment of the LCR Climate Partnership and launches the Community Environment Fund to support community efforts to address the climate and ecological emergency. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 It is recommended that the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority: (a) Note the progress made to achieve the commitments made by the Combined Authority and Metro Mayor in response…
… to the Climate Emergency Declaration in 2019; (b) Note the activity undertaken by the Climate Partnership to date; (c) Approve the creation of a stakeholder based Climate Panel to broaden participation in development of a Climate Action Plan; (d) Approve the Key Principles proposed for the development of the Climate Action Plan (Appendix B) and note the proposed programme of work; and (e) Approve…
… the Community Environment Fund with a total initial budget of £500,000 and delegate authority to award funding to projects to the Director of Policy and Strategic Commissioning, in consultation with the Combined Authority Treasurer, up to a maximum sum of £50,000 per project and in accordance with guidelines agreed by the Climate Partnership. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 A Climate Emergency…
… saw more than 580 events and activities engaging thousands of people and resulted in over 1500 environmental pledges from people and organisations. The appetite for participation in this important agenda led to a resolution that the emerging Climate Action Plan should be guided by the Liverpool City Region community in a highly participative manner. 3.2 At the Year of Environment Summit…