Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… ITEM NO. 6.1 Report of: Managing Director Contact Officer: Tony McGovern Telephone No: 01543 464553 Portfolio Leader: Environment Key Decision: No Report Track: Cabinet: 19/09/19 CABINET 19 SEPTEMBER 2019 IMPLICATIONS OF THE COUNCIL MOTION ON CLIMATE EMERGENCY APPROVED ON 17 JULY 2019 1 Purpose…
… of Report 1.1 To consider the implications of the motion approved at Council on 17 July which declared a Climate Emergency and committed the Council to a vision of Carbon Neutrality by 2030 at the latest. 1.2 To formally approve that Carbon Neutrality is a corporate objective of the Council and that this is added to the Corporate Plan 2018-2023. To approve the additional resources necessary…
… higher risk of drought, floods and heatwaves; The UK Parliament has approved a motion to declare an environment and climate emergency, and all governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to limit the negative impacts of climate breakdown; Local government should recognise that they cannot wait for national government to provide more money and support to reduce emissions…
… through community energy—and that community energy is a fundamentally important part of the national energy transition we are undergoing right now. In light of the above, Council therefore agrees to: 1. Join other Councils in declaring a Climate Emergency, and commit to the vision of carbon neutrality by 2030 at the latest. ITEM NO. 6.4 2. Continue to call on Westminster…
… Appendix 4: Public Sector response to the climate emergency: taking action at a local level (Carbon Trust) Previous Consideration Not applicable. Background Papers Council agenda for 17 July 2019 ITEM NO. 6.13 Appendix 1 Carbon Emissions data from BEIS (Department of Business Energy and Environmental Strategy) 2016 The below data is taken from…