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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related term climate emergency.

1 result

Adur District Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… Joint Strategic Committee 8 September 2020 Key Decision: No Ward(s) Affected: All Collaboration on the climate emergency - update on the success of Adur & Worthing Climate Conference 'Zero 2030' and next steps Report by the Director for Digital, Sustainability & Resources Executive Summary 1. Purpose 1.1…

…. This report updates members on the ongoing work with external partners to address the climate emergency. 1.2. The ​Zero 2030; the community led climate conference for Adur and Worthing​ was a well attended and celebrated local event, delivered collaboratively between Worthing Climate Action Network, Transition Town Worthing and Adur & Worthing Councils. 1.3. A ​Draft Climate Plan for Adur…

…; Worthing Carbon Neutral Study has been produced by Anthesis. This Study sets out the scale and challenge ahead to deliver local carbon neutral ambitions. It identifies the scale and types of interventions needed to achieve the 2050 target. 1.5. To address the Climate Emergency, greater collaboration on climate action is proposed through enhanced engagement with community, business and public…

… Climate Plan 2.1.3. endorse ongoing collaboration with local communities on the Climate Emergency as set out in Next Steps Section 7 of this report; 2.1.4. endorse the use of the Adur & Worthing Carbon Neutral Study (by Anthesis) to inform the Draft Climate Plan and other action on the Climate Emergency. 3. Context: Zero 2030 the Climate Conference 3.1. Despite reductions in global…

… in autumn 2020 and publishing the first SustainableAW​ magazine​ to promote, celebrate and enhance local activity. 3.3. Following the Declaration of Climate Emergency by the councils in July 2019, Adur & Worthing Councils joined forces with Worthing Climate Action Network 1 ​A study by ​Leeds University​ found that during lockdown, carbon dioxide and other emissions fell globally by between…


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