Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… Title of Report: Climate Emergency Action Plan Report to: Cabinet Date: 18 December 2019 Portfolio Holder: Councillor Roy Galley, Economic Development, Waste Management and HR Purpose of Report To consider and approve the proposed action plan to tackle the ‘Climate Emergency’ and work towards net-zero carbon emissions for the Council…
… emergency. It also identifies priorities for action in years 1 and 2 and a monitor and manage mechanism for future reporting. Introduction 1. On 24 July 2019, the Council declared a ‘Climate Emergency’ and committed to: a. Work toward net-zero CO2 by 2050 for both the Council and the Wealden District area, and pursue efforts to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions even earlier; b. Work…
… of a ‘Climate Emergency’. It has investigated both the District’s and its own emissions (current and future trends) to gain a better understanding and identify the initial steps needed to achieve the 2050 net-zero. 29.To reach this target will require a national shift in policy and behaviours along with advancements in technology. Action to reduce demand, switch to low carbon energy and transport…
… influence over Government policy. 31.The Climate Emergency Plan and prioritised actions presented here represent the Council’s initial plan, enabling it to identify and initiate actions. The plan will continue to be updated as further investigation is undertaken, and to incorporate new opportunities. Corporate Management Team Advice 32.Cabinet is recommended: a) To acknowledge the work already…
…. Implications Financial: There are financial implications as a direct result of this report. £200,000 has been allocated to facilitate the climate change agenda. From this, £25,000 has been utilised to provide consultancy support to the Council in developing its Climate Emergency Plan. A new (2-year) Climate Change Officer post (to support existing staff resource) is currently being developed…