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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related terms ecological emergency action, ecological emergency declaration, and emergency action.

1 result

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 1 COUNCIL Report subject Response to Climate and Ecological Emergency Meeting date 17 December 2019 Status Public Report Executive summary To present a draft action plan to meet the commitments of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Declaration made by Council on 16 July 2019 and the Corporate Strategy objective…

… to ‘tackle the climate change emergency’. The draft action plan should be seen as a summary of options to achieve carbon neutrality, since the detail will need to be consulted on with residents and stakeholders in order for it to be finalised. Recommendations It is RECOMMENDED that Council supports the following course of action: 1. Endorse the draft Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan…

… of Mayors for Climate and Energy, single-use plastic reduction initiatives and work towards a plastic-free Council 4. Development of a new overarching Environment Strategy, to include climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecology and all related issues. Reason for recommendations To allow the Council to meet its commitments under the Climate and Ecological Emergency Declaration and help…

…, and to work with partners to set a target date for when the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole region can be made carbon neutral, ahead of the UK target of 2050. An action plan was required to be submitted to Council in December 2019. Climate & Ecological Emergency Action Plan 2. The draft Climate & Ecological Emergency Action Plan is presented at Appendix A. This contains actions…

…; Ecological Emergency Action Plan presented with this report will require substantial revenue and capital funding, much of which is currently not identified. However, this report requests that Council approves the draft Action Plan for onward public consultation. It is to be understood that many of the individual projects contained within it will require appropriate consideration, consultation…


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