Including the closely related term climate emergency.
… Foreword by portfolio holder Climate Change has now reached a point where we must all take immediate action, and with its declaration of a climate emergency in June 2019, Stevenage Borough Council is committed to tackling this head on. We have a holistic vision which focuses on cutting our own emissions to net zero and supporting our businesses and residents to do the same by 2030. This strategy…
… to prioritise a fair and just transition to a sustainable era of living. The Strategy details the evidence at both local and national levels, setting out how we as a cooperative council can address our collective impacts. Following the climate emergency declaration, The Council has been working to understand what action can be taken to not only reduce the carbon outputs of its assets and activity…
…. 111...111::: AAA CCCooo---ooopppeeerrraaatttiiivvveee AAApppppprrroooaaaccchhh1.1: A Co-operative Approach Stevenage is proud to be a co-operative council and understands the importance of a co-operative approach when addressing a complex and systemic issue like the climate emergency. The climate crisis impacts the most vulnerable people in society disproportionately, and the local level…
…::: EEEnnngggaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt 222...111::: OOOuuurrr EEExxxttteeennnsssiiivvveee LLLooocccaaalll CCCooonnnsssuuullltttaaatttiiiooonnn FFFeeeeeedddbbbaaaccckkk Section 2: Engagement 2.1: Our Extensive Local Consultation Feedback Following the climate emergency declaration, The Council has been working to understand what action can be taken to not only reduce the carbon outputs of its assets and activity, but also…
… how best to address the climate emergency, the focus is rightly placed on climate change mitigation, i.e. reducing greenhouse gas emissions (particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), as well as methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O)) and identifying action to address how the town sources, consumes, and produces energy. However, in mitigating CO2 emissions the town will influence, and be influenced…