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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related terms emergencies, and climate emergency.

1 result

Malvern Hills District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… supported a Motion for the Council to declare a Climate Emergency and prepare an action plan by way of response. Over the succeeding five months a huge amount of work has been undertaken not only by councillors and staff of the district council but also with inputs from a considerable number of individuals and partner organisations with particular interests and relevant expertise to contribute…

… to this recommendation in July 2019. Hundreds of councils across the UK also responded to the IPCC report, and to increasing public concern about climate change, by declaring climate emergencies. Malvern Hills District Council approved a motion on July 23 2019 to declare a climate emergency and called on the organisation to address its own carbon footprint with new urgency. The Environment Policy Development…

…/19 the council’s operations generated 1,750.18 tonnes of co2 equivalent gases (co2e). The table on the next page shows the breakdown of how those emissions are generated. 7 PRIORITIES Between July and October 2019 we carried out a series of consultation exercises with members, staff, partners and the public to gather ideas and feedback to help inform our response to the climate emergency

… profile in order to have the desired impact and that will require more funding. A number of parishes and schools in our area have declared their own climate emergencies and are working on their own plans and it will also be important to engage and co-ordinate actions with them. 38% 9% 53% Measures with a combination of low-carbon technologies and societal / behavioural changes Low-carbon…


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