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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related terms ecological crisis, and climate emergency.

1 result

London Borough of Camden

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… the climate crisis.   Across its three sessions, the citizens’ assembly heard a range of evidence outlining the facts  of the climate and ecological crisis and the ways in which it can be tackled, before developing  and agreeing 17 actions that should be taken by residents, community groups, businesses  and the council in Camden.   The Home  The Neighbourhood  The Council  1. Encourage low carbon…

… transport  with infrastructure and  incentives  11. Developers to fund  energy efficient retrofits of  old buildings  12. Establish a Climate  Emergency scrutiny panel  made up of experts and  residents  13. Make all council  properties fossil fuel free  14. Improve council  communications and  engagement on climate  change  15. Mobilise existing  community groups to work  on tackling the climate…

… and the wider community.  The citizens’ assembly was asked to address the question:   “We are now facing a climate and ecological crisis. How can the council and the  people of Camden help limit the impact of climate change while protecting and  enhancing our natural environment? – What do we need to do in our homes,  neighbourhoods, council and country?”  The citizens’ assembly was asked to develop…

… of the  citizens’ assembly to ensure that assembly members were provided with information and  evidence that adequately addressed the key issues and enabled them to deliberate in an  informed manner. The members of the advisory board were:   ● Richard Jackson​, Director of Environmental Sustainability, University College London  (UCL);  ● Dr Joanna MacRae​, Climate Emergency Camden; and  ● Duncan Price…

… that can be taken in the neighbourhood. ​Leo Murray​ –  10:10 – spoke about community action and ​Trevor Keeling​ – BuroHappold – spoke about  neighbourhoods of the future.  The third panel looked at actions that can be taken by the council. ​Joanna Marshall-Cook​ –  UCL – spoke about the experience of sustainability at UCL and ​Dee Searle​ – Climate  Emergency Camden – spoke about Climate Emergency


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