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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related terms ecological crisis, and climate emergency.

1 result

London Borough of Brent

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

…: Recommendations from Assembly members to Brent Council, as reported by Traverse Page 5 Open - external Final - Version 1.0 1. Executive Summary Background Brent Council declared a climate emergency in July 2019. As part of their response, the Council commissioned Traverse to deliver the Brent Climate Assembly in Autumn 2019. The aim of the Assembly was to bring together fifty randomly…

… a view that an issue as important as this should be ‘protected’ from party politics and, by implication, that decisions about addressing the climate and ecological crisis should seek to be cross-party. • In relation to the Renewables theme, there was support for increasing solar energy generation, to be promoted through subsidisation, easy installation and help for people to understand how…

… a climate and ecological emergency. The Council has committed to do all it can to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. The Council has already instigated a series of green initiatives, including introducing a diesel levy on parking permits to incentivise greener transport; creating a seven-mile bee corridor to boost biodiversity; and helping businesses to think about their impact through…

… the Plastic Free Wembley initiative. As part of their efforts to address the climate emergency, the Council commissioned Traverse, a London-based independent research organisation, to deliver the Brent Climate Assembly in Autumn 2019. The aim of the Assembly was to bring together fifty randomly selected residents to learn about climate change, discuss potential actions for addressing…

… it in Brent, and make recommendations for the Council to take forward. 2.1.1. Research question and objectives The agreed aims and objectives of the Brent Climate Assembly were to: • Identify opportunities for collaborative action between the Council and the community – which are actionable and reasoned, based on the science. • Set up conversations and increase the understanding of the climate


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