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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related term climate emergency.

1 result

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… a global ‘climate emergency’ in response to the findings of the IPCC ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC’ (October 2018). The Council made a commitment to: • Reduce the Council’s carbon emissions to net zero before the Welsh Government target of 2030 and support the implementation of the Welsh Government’s new Low Carbon Delivery Plan. • Make representations to the Welsh and UK…

… and human activities are the main cause. Project Zero is the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s response to this climate change emergency. In 2019 the Vale of Glamorgan Council declared a climate emergency. However, since early 2020 we have been tackling another emergency as we have worked with partners and the community to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has changed all of our lives…

… have undertaken as part of the development of this plan has demonstrated support across the community for an ambitious and robust approach to the climate emergency. We are grateful to all those who have taken the time to comment on the plan and who have expressed a willingness to work with us and within their community to tackle climate change and protect our natural resources. Our work…

… is part of delivering that vision. There is a wide range of evidence which supports the need for change and the urgent need to respond to climate change and Appendix A details some of the evidence at a global, UK, Welsh and local level and the reasons why we need to make changes. When the Council declared the climate emergency in 2019 there was already significant work being undertaken…

… Vale Public Services Board In February 2020 the Council signed a Climate Emergency Charter with the Vale Public Services Board and this sets out the PSB’s shared commitment to lead by example, take positive action and to reduce our impact. Together we will: • Reduce our emissions to mitigate the effects of climate change whilst adapting to its impacts • Be kinder to our environment…


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