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Search results for "ecological emergency"

Including the closely related term climate emergency.

1 result

Argyll and Bute Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… … Foreword Councillor Robin Currie, Leader This year 2021 our Council has renewed it’s commitment to playing its part in the global effort to address climate challenges, and has declared a climate emergency. Recent reports from the United Nations have also indicated a ‘Code Red for Humanity’ situation in relation to tackling climate change, following the publication…

…. The Scottish Government also declared a ‘Climate Emergency’ in May 2019 and successive Programme’s for Government encompasses a number of measures to address climate change that are likely to have implications for local authorities. In response to this our Council set up a political led Climate Change Environmental Action Group chaired by the Leader of the Council to oversee activities of the Climate…

… Change Board and in 2021 normalised this work stream into the Policy & Resources Committee where Climate Change matters is now a standing item. This year our Council also declared a Climate Emergency and renewed commitment to addressing climate challenges. Much still requires to be done and achieved and a whole corporate Council approach is required to tackling Climate Change. Given its…


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