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Search results for "domestic properties"

Including the closely related terms property, and property.

1 result

Devon County Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… that have increased its understanding and experience of: integrating LED lighting into the public realm; using the latest computing technology to enable flexible working; operating electric vehicles; sensitively incorporating renewable energy into listed properties; using air source heat pumps as heating technology; working with community organisations to deploy renewables on its assets; and installing…

… from corporate property in 2012/13 = 8,014 tCO2e The buildings the council operates from emit 15% of its corporate carbon emissions. On a comparable basis, carbon emissions from buildings have reduced by 50% since 2012/13 to 4,011 tCO¬2e in 2017/18. The property maintenance programme has implemented energy efficiency measures, such as replacement boilers, insulation and LED lighting. This, along…

… with the replacement of desktop personal computers with laptops, has improved the energy efficiency of corporate property by 33% from 219 kWh/m2 to 146 kWh/m2. The remaining carbon reductions have been achieved thanks to the deployment of solar PV arrays and air source heat pumps in some buildings and more renewable energy providing the UK’s electricity that has reduced the carbon intensity of the UK’s grid-supplied…

… corporate property beyond the effect of national policy. Table 1 – Local actions to reduce emissions from corporate property Initiative Funding CO2e Saving/Year Timing Continue replacing fossil-fuel boilers at about 10 years old to benefit from efficiency improvements. Existing maintenance programme 94t Ongoing Deep retrofit of Lucombe House to include fabric…

… policy will reduce annual carbon emissions from the council’s property to 2,018 tCO2e by 2030/31, a reduction of 72% since 2012/13. Projected emissions from corporate property in 2030/31 = 2,283 tCO2e 6.2. Fleet, Business and School Transport 6.2.1. Past Performance Baseline emissions from fleet, business…


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