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Search results for "domestic properties"

Including the closely related terms property, and property.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… assessment of costs per property for zero carbon to be achieved). It would be of assistance if the government allowed Council’s to fund Climate Emergency action through modest increases in rent above the current Page 12 formula to reflect…

… the improvements. The Council could choose to reapportion its capital investment away from new build but it would not be possible to deliver this scale of major works to over 1000 properties per year to deliver zero carbon by 2030 - firstly because the solutions to move away from gas based heating in an efficient way are not available and unlikely to be for many years, and secondly the logistics…

… built assets (which will almost certainly form the bulk of the Councils emissions) the approach being taken is ‘fabric first’ where the retrofitting solution will be dependent on the property type. There is no ‘one size fits all’. For our Council Housing (other than the new build programme which will ensure the highest achievable standards) Either way it will require the most comprehensive…

… This work is already underway Retrofit existing Council stock to reach Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) B where practicable and remove reliance on fossil fuels. To use a ‘fabric first’ approach to ensure that the improvements are what is required. Establish clear programme and specification(s) dependent on property type. MT LT Housing Cost (initial estimate £200 - 250M…

…), alternative heat source availability, capacity of construction industry, skilled labour Will commence once carbon footprint complete and matched with stock condition information. Conduct business case on the installation of Solar Photovoltaics (PV) on Council properties ST LT Housing, Estates Resolving complications in Housing as a result of Right to Buy. Retrofit General Fund…


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