Including the closely related terms property, and property.
… carbon footprint 2.01 Re-evaluate and develop sustainable procurement procedures and policy, in line with the circular economy, including ethical banking, together with Council investments, purchasing and activities. 2.01.1 Re-evaluate and develop sustainable procurement procedures (TOMS) Concept Corporate Services Business and Property Services 2021/22 Both Moderate Moderate 2.01.2…
… Adapt the procurement policies relating to the construction of new Council buildings and infrastructure. Concept Corporate Services Business and Property Services Short Both Moderate Moderate 2.02 Increased use of video conferencing/smart working/home working etc. 2.02.1 All staff to be set up on Teams Delivered Corporate Service Corporate Services 2020/21 ICT Moderate Low 2.02.2…
… land in relation to street trees, as well as trees for shading, green roofs or walls beside or on Council properties. Concept City Development Economic Regeneration Short Both Moderate Moderate Sunderland Low Carbon Action Plan December 2020 Page 11 A ct io n R ef Action P ro je ct R ef Project Status of Project D ir ec to ra te Service Area T im es ca le s C o u n…
… ci l o r ci ty t a rg et Benefit to Council carbon footprint Benefit to city’s carbon footprint 2.05 Council to update its business continuity plans in response to climate change and extreme weather events. 2.05.1 Business Continuity Plans to be reviewed to reflect impacts of Climate Change Concept City Development Business & Property Services Short Council Low Low 2.06…
… Retrofitting empty properties to make them more energy efficient. Feasibility Neighbour- hoods Sunderland Housing Company Short Council Low Low 3.03 Enabling the delivery of new low carbon homes across the city. 3.03.1 Riverside Sunderland (Expo) Concept City Development Strategic Development Team City None Low 3.03.1 Land East of Washington (Washington Meadows) SPD In progress City…