Including the closely related terms property, and property.
… (see page 13 for context). 5. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations, if implemented, could combine to substantially decrease carbon emissions and associated cost at little or no additional cost: Optimise use of the built estate – operations should be focused on more energy efficient properties, with poorer performing ones mothballed or closed. Decisions on built…
… of CO2 emissions and cost, it is useful to examine this by property type. Figure 5 below shows that the vast majority of building related emissions arise from schools. Primary schools are high energy users because we have 50 of them. High schools and leisure centres have long opening hours reflecting community demand and many incorporate swimming pools. The chart highlights that our resources…
… would be best focused on schools, sports centres and Council offices. Figure 5: Falkirk Council’s Operational Estate’s CO2 Emissions by Property Type 2011/12 to 2013/14 6 Ref. Figure 27, Appendix F 12% 0% 18% 10% 6% 6% 1% 45% 2% Carbon Footprint 2013/14 Associated Costs £17.6M Building gas (12%) Building…
… ts C o m m u n it y B u ild in g s S p e c ia l S c h o o ls N u rs e ry S c h o o ls T o n n e s Carbon Emissions by Property Type (Tonnes) 11/12 12/13 13/14 11 2.4 SCOPE - What Are We Measuring? The scope of the plan is the range of Council operations that will be included in the CMP. This can change as the field of carbon management continues to evolve…
… improvements forward, it is imperative that all parties and Services: Share a corporate commitment and support specialist officers’ engagement and investigations into new technologies and potential projects. Commit to reduce consumption year on year in existing properties through physical, operational and behavioural improvements. Commit to the same strategy for new build additions…