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London Borough of Camden

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… transport  with infrastructure and  incentives  11. Developers to fund  energy efficient retrofits of  old buildings  12. Establish a Climate  Emergency scrutiny panel  made up of experts and  residents  13. Make all council  properties fossil fuel free  14. Improve council  communications and  engagement on climate  change  15. Mobilise existing  community groups to work  on tackling the climate…

… more segregated cycle lanes  84%  16%  9. Promote and trial car free zones and days  76%  24%  10. Enable electric transport with infrastructure and incentives  96%  4%  11. Developers to fund energy efficient retrofits of old buildings  86%  14%  Council  12. Establish a Climate Emergency scrutiny panel made up of experts and  residents  94%  6%  13. Make all council properties fossil fuel…

… that is required to retrofit old buildings, including  identifying a pool of contractors, considering the types of interventions and selecting the  sites to treat. Improvements to old properties should be funded by developers as part of their  planning obligations.  Strongly agree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly  disagree  DNV / Spoilt  Ballot  46%  38%  12%  2%  2%          17      3.3. Council…

…  The citizens’ assembly agreed six actions at the level of the council. Again, all actions  received a clear majority in favour of them, but the action that received most support – with  72% strongly in favour – was to “plant trees and retain public spaces”. This was very closely  followed by “make all council properties fossil fuel free”.  12. Establish a Climate Emergency scrutiny panel made up of experts…

…  46%  46%  6%  0%  2%  13. Make all council properties fossil fuel free  The council should ensure that all heating and energy supply to properties that it is  responsible for are fuelled by non-fossil fuels by 2030. It should review all housing and  building assets to assess where gas and oil supply should be retrofitted with non-fossil fuels,  phased from 2020 to 2030.   Strongly agree  Agree…


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