Including 4 closely related terms such as property, property, and property asset.
… 1 | P a g e OFFICIAL Rushcliffe Borough Council Carbon Management Plan 2020 Themes: 1. Property Assets; 2. Fleet and Transport; 3. Contracts and Procurement; 4. Policy and Regulation; 5. Waste and Recycling; 6. Operational Activities; 7. Community and Businesses; 8. Offsetting Timescale: I…
… Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy A1. Property Assets 1.1. Introduce detailed energy use monitoring of property portfolio (including provision of Energy Performance Certificates) Property Services S Medium - Can provide up to 5 - 20% saving (Carbon Trust) Staff time only £ Leading in the public sector. 2 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref…
… 15 | P a g e OFFICIAL B. Influencing Actions Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Potential CO2e Saving Financial Cost (in addition to officer time) Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy B1. Property Assets 1.1. Provide free to use cold-water dispenser in all public areas of property portfolio (including Leisure Centres) Property Services M Low impact…
…. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy 1.2. Continue the roll out of energy efficient plant equipment and lighting across the property portfolio including community buildings and facilities (eg Gresham sports park) and car park lighting eg LED lighting, power controls, heating…
… systems, explore possible heat pumps including water source at Country Park Property Services M High - eg 20 - 40% saving for heat pumps over conventional heating (WebRef1) (possible for Salix interest free loan) £0.8m one off cost for a 1MW heat pump - but income may be generated from the government's Renewable Heat Incentive (Ashden / FoE) ~£35K for Gresham Sports Park…