Including the closely related terms property, and property.
… are responsible for implementing the plan within their portfolio. ❚ The corporate coordination select committee is responsible for scrutinising the plan and reviewing progress. ❚ The director of corporate resources supported by the corporate sustainability and property services teams is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the plan. The other chief officers…
… are responsible for ensuring the policy is integrated into the work of their department. ❚ Responsibility for the provision of data for monitoring progress is split between property services (buildings), street care (street lighting and fleet vehicle fuel), and exchequer services (business mileage). ❚ All service directors are responsible for helping minimise use…
… the council estate and sharing assets Implementation of the council’s accommodation Strategy and better services for older people programme In progress Due for completion 2014/15 Property services / CC&H Within existing resources Energy / emission savings in the region of 25% from non school buildings Make better use of space: ❚ Combine more uses within buildings to further…
… rationalise the estate ❚ Actively seek partners to share/lease surplus space Ongoing Identify further opportunities as part of the accommodation review Property services Within existing resources Not yet quantified Review options for inefficient corporate buildings that are beyond their life span, transfer of assets to the community and further consolidation of the council estate. No capital…
… available to replace buildings that are beyond their life span Include process for reviewing opportunities in revised asset management plan (December 2011) Property services Unknown at present Not yet quantified Behaviour / management / policy Restrict opening hours of corporate offices to reduce associated heating and lighting requirements May require adjustments to staff contracts…