… a programme to replace older electric storage heaters, in council housing properties where a wet heating system is not suitable, with more efficient modern equivalents with better controls. Details of programme to be confirmed, and preparations made, during 2021-22. Implementation from 2022-23 subject to funding. Approximately 95 properties potentially eligible. Estimated CO2 savings…
…: Projected 120 residential properties will be improved by replacing old, faulty or broken boilers, old storage heaters and fitting/upgrading insulation. The 2020/21 – 2022/23 Energy Projects Team 2020/21: Delivery severely limited by Covid 19, with 27 properties receiving upgrades during the year. 2021/22: Delivery continued to be limited due to Covid 19, with a Leicester City…
… loft insulation in council housing. Approximately 114 properties upgraded per year, saving an estimated 57t CO2 per year. 2020/21 and annually until programme complete Housing 2020/21: Installations delayed by Covid 19 with 97 properties receiving loft insulation. Leicester City Council’s Climate Emergency Action: Plan April 2020 – March 2023 Version 3, updated May 2022 Page 7…
… of 45 No. Action Outcomes Expected Timescale Responsibility Progress and Achievements 2021/22: Loft surveys have been arranged for 508 properties. Installations completed for 22 properties, with more to be completed in future years. 2.03 Boiler replacements programme Continue to invest £3.2M per year in our ongoing programme to replace boilers in council housing with modern, energy…
…-efficient A-rated condensing boilers with heating controls. Approximately 1100 properties upgraded per year, saving an estimated 825t CO2 per year. NB Due to the impact of Covid 19 restrictions, it is expected that about 40% fewer properties will be upgraded in 2020/21. 2020/21 and annually until programme complete Housing 2020/21: Installations delayed by Covid 19 with 675 properties…