Including the closely related terms property, and property.
… in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk. Local Plans should apply a sequential, risk-based approach to the location of development to avoid where possible flood risk to people and property and manage any residual risk, taking account of the impacts of climate change by applying the Sequential Test. Flood zones are the starting…
… charges on 1st April 2018. Network reinforcement costs are now recovered through the new infrastructure charge. This is £550 per property for developments of up to 20 properties for 2019/20. Network reinforcement is work that needs to be carried out to the existing network to support development-related growth. This work is needed to ensure there is enough capacity in wastewater network…
… are identified as being the most appropriate to the site: • water butts, • permeable paving, • soakaways, • piped systems RMB Consultants (Civil Engineering) Ltd Former ADAS Site, Olantigh Road, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5EP Foul and Surface Water Management Strategy 28 Water Butts - The expectation under the SPD is that all individual properties have water butts. Water butts act…
… and the interaction of any soakaways with foundations. This should be carried out as part of the detailed design. Runoff from roofs is assumed to drain to individual soakaways for each property. The roof areas vary across the site and two soakaway sizes have been considered to drain 50m2 and 110m2 respectively. The parameters used for the assessment of these individual soakaways are shown in Tables 6…
… area of 3,800m2. Figure 17. Proposed soakaway locations. Under the 1 in 100 year rainfall event with an allowance of 40% for climate change there is a flood volume of 0.7m3 from the Type B soakaways. This equates to is 23.1m3. There is sufficient space in gardens to accommodate this water during extreme events. Properties will have a finished floor level at least 150mm above…