Including 4 closely related terms such as district heating, district heat, and district.
… those within the district heating red line and the 16 currently electrically heated followed by the remainder of the estate in order of highest carbon emissions. 2.7.4 That the commercial property portfolio is reviewed and the costs to bring property to an EPC B standard by 2030. 2.7.5 That the Western Library, being the only remaining oil heated corporate building, be reviewed…
… for a city centre district heating network has been finalised and will be presented to Cabinet in March 2022 for a decision upon investment; The three projects to facilitate energy generation through wind turbine, solar farm, and solar canopy developments have progressed to site assessment with a determination upon locations in Spring 2022; The development of a partnership…
… 2030 Projects 5.45 The Council has five current capital programme projects in progress at present. 5.46 The district heating project will be brought to Cabinet in February 2022 following a Cabinet/CST Away Day presentation of the business case and discussion in January 2022. 5.47 The corporate solar roof tender has been awarded and a report on suitable roofs for development…
… buildings; district heating, for some sites within the city centre red line project boundary using net zero fuels; and electric heating through, for example, air or ground source heat pumps. 6.34 District heating for city centre buildings is currently under assessment and a report will be brought to Cabinet in February for the final investment decision. This would deliver a significant carbon…