Including 5 closely related terms such as districts, district heating, and district heat.
… in climate and environmental research. Over the past decade Exeter City Council has pioneered Passivhaus standards in the UK, deployed renewable generation across their public sites and delivered large-scale district heating networks. Exeter City Council has already committed to becoming a carbon-neutral council by 2022 as well as taking steps to consider staff travel and working patterns. Much…
… for urban renewal and densification to also relieve pressures on the infrastructure and communities of the surrounding, more rural districts, and protect the setting of Exeter. The Greater Exeter Strategic Plan Greater Exeter has a vision for growth as a connected city region consisting of thriving linked communities set within an exceptional environmental setting. This clear vision represents…
… and ensure that we meet today’s challenges with innovative, bespoke and dynamic solutions to deliver a future Exeter that everyone can be proud of and benefit from. The toolkit identifies five multifaceted drivers that are unique to Exeter and offer principles to shape the future of the city. It provisionally identifies 25 future city districts within the city and has developed 12 ingredients…
… the opportunities provided by a car free future. Distinct Identities Exeter is a city made up of historic urban villages. Within each future district, development reinforces historic defining characteristics to create distinct identities. The reinforcement of existing identity compliments place branding to strengthen the character of the city. Diversify Uses Integrating a mix of uses focussed around…
… Connected Connections and permeability are maximised with barriers broken down to create larger walkable areas and accessible links to local centres. These connections are continuous between districts as well as out to rural settlements and surroundings whilst prioritising healthy travel. Less Cars - More Trees Tree planting exploits the space previously dominated by cars providing over 3,000…