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Search results for "district heating"

Including 5 closely related terms such as district heating, district heat, and heating scheme.

1 result

Durham County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. DCC have been working alongside the Coal Authority, TOLENT and the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to help develop the first large scale minewater district heating scheme in the country. 1500 homes and commercial buildings will be heated through minewater which is currently being pumped up at the Coal Authority’s Dawdon minewater treatment scheme. Water comes…

…’ hydrogen to meet energy demands. It is unlikely, however, that hydrogen will be used for heat in buildings in the next 10-20 years, because to produce hydrogen in the quantities needed you would still need to burn fossil fuels. Hydrogen therefore does not form part of this response plan for 2022-24. There is also the opportunity to supply heat to buildings via district heat networks, where heat…

…. Heating will instead be provided by heat pumps (air, ground, or water source) or as part of a low carbon district heat network. The Council is also developing a new home building programme for construction in 2022/23. These new homes will be built to a standard in excess of current building regulations, matching the proposals in the Future Homes Standard that will come into force by 2025. Homes…


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