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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

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East Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (XLSX)

… receive are then converted into carbon totals using universal conversion formulas so our reporting is reflective and comparable with other district authorities. Our next audit will commence again in April. In the meantime, we are working with our major contractors, where contract renewals allow, to continually improve carbon reduction initiatives. ü ü ü 1.1.4 Explicitly refer to sustainability…

… for leaving further district verges uncut for longer. These audits are due for completion by the end of 2021. ü ü 1.16.1 Work with HCC and others to identify options for tree planting A database of tree planting relating to the Queens Canopy is now administered by Hertfordshire County Council. Hertfordshire has a target for 3200 tree plantings shared equally between the 10 Local Authorities. East Herts…

… is keeping a tally of tree plantings in district and is ahead of target. Work to promote the Queens canopy to Town and Parish Councils and community groups has also complete. Further opportunities will also come about once HCCSPs biodiversity land audit takes place. ü 1.17 Maximise environmental sustainability opportunities through Hertford Hydro COMPLETE - The Executive Committee has now considered…

… Standards SPD) which will include requirements for vehicle charging points etc. The provisional timetable plans for consultation in late 21 with adoption in early 2022. ü ü ü 2.1.3 Publish a Biodiversity SPD. Yet to commence. Planned for 2022 ü ü 2.1.4 Publish a revised District Plan A District Plan review has now started with a ‘call for sites’. ü ü ü ü ü ü 2.2 Develop sustainability advice geared…

… measures. The 2021-26 Housing Strategy has aim to formally evaluate domestic EPC levels across the district, which will inform gaps and potential. All EPCs of housing coming to market are already regularly collected. A general trend of improvement has been noted. ü 2.8.1 Consider promoting improved EPC ratings through HMO licensing powers and policies. Part of this action is being taken forward via…


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