Including 4 closely related terms such as district heat, district heating, and district.
… the project priorities across five themes being taken forward to 2025. We are already progressing as we have an award-winning green fleet which has boosted numbers of electric and hydrogen vehicles as part of a wider replacement programme. Our plan extends our existing district heating networks and includes new on-site energy systems for our new and existing schools, council buildings, our Gold…
… at Aberdeen’s event complex. We have also taken action to reduce the Council’s own carbon footprint. Rolling out LED street lighting, expanding the range of electric and hydrogen vehicles in our own fleet - increasing connections to district heating for some of our public buildings and Council housing, and installing several green roofs. But a transition towards a net zero and climate resilience…
… carbon small machinery (2025) ♦ Expand district heating connections - (ongoing) ♦ Conversion to dual fuel refuse collection vehicles (2021 ♦ Fleet optimisation (2022) ♦ Council carbon budget in place (2022) ♦ 2,000 new Council homes Gold Standard (2023) Aberdeen City Council I Council Climate Change Plan 2021 - 2025 5 1.3 Council Climate Change Plan summary The plan has…
…: i) Buildings have decreased through changes in emission factors due to greening of the National Grid and actions including; ♦ District heating connections. ♦ Energy efficiency measures. ii) Street lighting also decreased, again through greening of the National Grid and actions including: ♦ LED street lighting replacement. ♦ Intelligent Street Lighting Programme. iii) Fleet has also…
…) Yes Ad hoc Relevant to projects 10 Reduction of Carbon Emissions * * Property Asset Management 11 Reduction in Energy Consumption per year Yes Property Asset Management 12 No. Operational Buildings Connected to District Heating Yes Property Asset Management 13 No. Council houses connected to District Heating * * * 14 Petrol - emissions tCO2e (fleet) Yes Annual Climate Change Report 15 Diesel…