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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related terms districts, and district.

1 result

North Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… of the Intalink Feasibility studies. This is a collaboration between Hertfordshire County Council, bus rail operators, district and borough councils in order to improve the bus network and user experience. This will see bus priority measures in Hitchin from 2022-2023. Letchworth Garden City and Royston have been approved for inclusion in the first round of the Sustainable Travel Towns Programme…

… has been completed. This has identified areas within the district where biodiversity can be encouraged through annual ‘cut and lifts’, wildflower meadows, hedgerows, woodland edge creation and tree planting. NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 24 Leadership across the district We continue to work within the Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability…

… Partnership (HCCSP) which brings together representatives from Hertfordshire County Council, all 10 district councils, the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, as well as external stakeholders and experts such as water companies and the Herts Middlesex Wildlife Trust, to tackle climate change in the county. As part of this partnership we have led the Biodiversity Subgroup which…

… annual conference on the 3rd December to highlight the strategic work of the partnership. All ten districts informed the attendees of the work of the sub-groups and answered a range of questions at the Q&A plenary session. We have worked with Hertfordshire County Council to deliver new cycle stands in the district as part of the Department for Transport Emergency Active Travel…


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