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Search results for "district heating"

Including 6 closely related terms such as district heating, district heat, and heating scheme.

1 result

Cambridge City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the Corn Exchange, Grand Arcade shopping centre, University sites and many other nearby commercial properties) may provide an opportunity for the Council to explore the potential for a community district heating scheme with partners in future. Cambridge City Council | Carbon Management Plan 2021-2026 page 18 Corn Exchange The Corn Exchange has similar challenges to the Guildhall…

…-2026 page 19 We will explore more innovative solutions with local partners for these hard-to-treat buildings, including exploring the potential for district heating schemes incorporating the Guildhall and Corn Exchange. The study also suggests that, while over the next 10 years the national electricity grid will be decarbonised to a very significant extent through the replacement of fossil…

… to offer low carbon heating and electricity (currently generated at a lower carbon factor than from the grid, which can be used on site to power the ASHP which requires electricity to run) until the end of its serviceable lifetime when it can be replaced by a renewable heating solution (such as connection to a GSHP district heating network) to fully decarbonise the building’s remaining heat…

… kWh and save 2.6 tonnes of CO2. In 2019 a solar PV system was installed (jointly owned by South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council) which reduces the amount of electricity required from the national grid. The councils are exploring ways to source as much renewable energy as possible to cover the site’s current and forecast usage, which will include the charging…


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