Including the closely related term district.
… WEST OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL Name and date of Committee COUNCIL: WEDNESDAY 22 JANUARY 2020. Report Number AGENDA ITEM No. 9 Subject CLIMATE ACTION FOR WEST OXFORDSHIRE Wards affected ALL Accountable member Cllr David Harvey, Cabinet Member for Climate Change Email: Accountable officer…
… Ness Scott, Climate Change Manager Tel: 01993 861344 Email: Summary/Purpose This report sets out: a) A proposed framework and timescales for developing a Carbon Action Plan as the mechanism for delivering West Oxfordshire District Council’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. b) A proposed framework and timescales for developing a Climate Change…
… Strategy for West Oxfordshire, influencing change and driving forward Climate Action across the District working with partners and stakeholders including residents and community groups, planners and developers, land owners and businesses. Annexes None Recommendations a) To note the contents of the report and proposals to develop and publish: a Carbon Action Plan for the Council by August 2020…
… carried out by the Climate Change Manager with key Officers and colleagues within West Oxfordshire District Council, with delivery partners and with Officers from neighbouring Oxfordshire District Councils. This consultation process has informed the Climate Change Manager’s proposals within this report. Item No. 9, Page 2 of 19 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1.1…
…. This report sets out: a) A proposed framework and timescales for developing a Carbon Action Plan as the mechanism for delivering West Oxfordshire District Council’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. b) A proposed framework and timescales for developing a Climate Change Strategy for West Oxfordshire, influencing change and driving forward Climate Action across the District working…