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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

1 result

Sevenoaks District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… carbon measures across the District through education, best practice, incentives, policy and opportunities. This includes working collaboratively with Kent County Council, Parish and Town Councils, Local Interest Group and the Local Government Association. Report of: Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Officer – Planning & Regulatory Services Status: For Decision Also considered…

… and wildlife causing the natural environment to be under increased pressure. 5 Therefore, the net zero work, undertaken by the council, will include measures and projects to mitigate the causes of climate change, namely through reducing carbon emissions, and also adapt to the expected effects of a changing climate. Helping the Council and District to be more climate resilient. 6 Adaptation…

…) Improve the electric vehicle charging network across the District (Ongoing) Work with schools, local communities and groups to encourage community transport hubs for short journeys, minimising pollution, improving air quality and reducing congestion (Ongoing) Promote low carbon travel including:  Cycle to work scheme  Health walks  Local Walking Routes  Reducing Officer…

… vehicle, to improve air quality in our District and produce an income to support Council services Investigate incentives for taxi drivers to use vehicles with zero tailpipe emission Roll out “free” electric car charging points across our car park estate Install Electric Vehicle Charging Points at Council buildings Working with landowners to install new charging points across…

… the District A Development Plan Policy - Require the installation of electric vehicle charging points in all new developments, both residential and non-residential Making the Best Use of Green Spaces Carbon emission offsetting through new planting including planting new trees (Ongoing) Improve areas for biodiversity and create new habitats (Ongoing) Natural flood management (Ongoing…


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