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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

1 result

Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… carbon neutral target. Council noted that the impacts of climate change are already manifested globally and will impact communities across Mole Valley. As a result the Council resolved to: 1. Declare a Climate Emergency. 2. Pledge to make Mole Valley District Council and its contractors carbon neutral by 2030, or earlier if possible, taking into account both production and consumption…

… emissions. 3. Lobby Surrey County Council and the Government to provide resources that will make possible the 2030 target date set by scientists for total carbon neutrality. 4. Work cross-party within Mole Valley District Council, and with local businesses, land owners, community organisations and residents to make a positively beneficial impact on the environment and biodiversity…

… in the District. 5. Place climate change on agendas to be discussed at appropriate committees - to build strategies and action plans with timescales. 6. Report actions undertaken to address this emergency to Council twice a year and inform Council of planned actions for the next period. 7. Use these actions to help create jobs and a stronger community, along with increased wellbeing…

… the environment and improving the quality of life for all our communities. In this Strategy MVDC commits to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 with initial actions focused on making significant reductions in carbon emissions at the Council Offices and Dorking Halls. The Strategy also aims to demonstrate local leadership in helping Mole Valley become a carbon neutral district. To this end the Council…

… working from home, where appropriate, and use of video conferencing and encouraging sustainable transport options. Working with Surrey County Council to ensure the infrastructure is in place to increase opportunities for cycling and walking throughout the district. Fleet: replacing our existing diesel and petrol fleet with electric, or other low carbon alternatives, and providing the charging…


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