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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… proposals to either create a site-wide community heat or energy network or connect to an existing decentralised network (or better alternative) We have also commissioned an energy mapping study by BEIS, which shows areas of high energy usage which could benefit from district heating or other decarbonisation measures Requires further and up to date evidence, including full range…

… BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method PSH Private Sector Housing PRS Private Rented Sector HMO House in Multiple Occupation CAVAT Capital Asset Valuation of Amenity Trees AQAP Air Quality Action Plan AQMA Air Quality Management Area LDS Local Development Scheme (Local Plan) LGA Local Government Association DCN District Council Network 1. Background…


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