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Including the closely related term district.

1 result

Cannock Chase District Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… objective of the Council and that this is added to the Corporate Plan 2018-2023. 2.2 That Cabinet notes that Carbon Neutrality by 2030 is a significant strategic commitment that will require additional resources over the 10 year period. 2.3 That Cabinet notes that the target of Carbon Neutrality by 2030 relates to the whole District and not just the Council as an organisation. 2.4 That Cabinet…

… independent of the Council in any event. 3.6 In relation to the Action Plan and Citizens Assembly, it is necessary to determine the scope of the Carbon Neutrality Agenda. The Council can only achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 if it takes a District wide approach; if the Council only focuses on itself as an organisation (e.g. own estate/ infrastructure/ energy consumption and fleet etc…

….) it will not on its own deliver carbon neutrality at all. 3.7 Cabinet should note that this wider scope across the District will be more resource intensive if it is to provide the appropriate level of leadership for this agenda. It also potentially means providing incentives to businesses to change their processes and activities to become carbon neutral. ITEM NO. 6.3 3.8 Further reports…

… Change recommendation. Extinction Rebellion, a climate change pressure group has recommended a net zero target of 2025 which has most recently been adopted by Warwick District Council. 5.3 Cannock Chase Council has adopted a much shorter timescale to achieve carbon neutrality than the statutory target of 2050 and this means that action to achieve this will need to be compressed within a period…

… of just over 10 years. This is obviously more challenging and will require additional resources to achieve. 5.4 An action plan needs to be developed and costed during 2019/20 which will need to be formally approved by the Cabinet. The scope and resource implications of this 10 year action plan (2020 to 2030) will have to relate to the whole District if the 2030 target is to be met…


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