Including 4 closely related terms such as district heating, district heat, and district.
…. It includes investments in electricity generation (renewables, nuclear, carbon capture and storage) transmission and distribution networks; smart grids (with storage); heat delivery (electric heat pumps, district heating networks or possibly hydrogen-fuelled boilers) to energy-efficient buildings; electric vehicles, using batteries or hydrogen fuel cells, with the associated recharging and refuelling…
… property portfolio. • Develop a phased plan of action to decarbonise the rest of our property portfolio. This will include replacing gas fired boilers with low carbon heat sources such as heat pumps or heat networks at their end of life. It will also explore possibilities for large-scale energy generation such as District- Heating and solar panel farms. • Develop a Council-wide construction standard…
… Sustainability and Climate Crisis Strategy Our Phase 1 approach to tackle the climate crisis and create a more sustainable District (2020-2023) Page 2 Contents Foreword from Chief Executive 3 Joint Statement from the Political Parties 4 Introduction 5 People Power - We are all in this together 6 Getting to Net Zero 8 Climate…
… Change 8 Carbon Offsetting 10 Capturing Carbon through the Regeneration of Nature 11 Corporate Emissions - Where we are as a Council 12 Community Emissions - Where we are as a District 16 Climate Crisis Action Plan: Phase 1 Priority Actions 21 Key Sustainability Themes 20 Theme 1: Governance and Leadership 23 Theme 2: Energy Use 24 Theme 3: Transport and Air Quality 27 Theme 4: Waste 31…
…-2023) 58 Reducing Corporate Emissions 59 Reducing Community Emissions 63 Page 3 Joint statement from St Albans District political party group leaders On 10 July 2019 we as a Council voted unanimously to declare a Climate Emergency. We all recognise, such is the gravity and severity of the climate crisis we are now facing, that the only way to avoid irreversible and catastrophic damage…