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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

1 result

Wychavon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… charging points, long before we were expected to do so. This latest version of our Intelligently Green Plan will take us up to 2030 and is even more ambitious than the first one. It sets out how we will contribute to the climate emergency by cutting the carbon emissions of our own council operations by 75% by 2030 and how we will lead the district to cut its own emissions by at least 50…

…% by 2030. These targets are in line with the national targets and the Worcestershire Energy Strategy. If the technology and funding is available to go further than that during this decade, then we will. All of us want to see the Wychavon district, our country and our planet get to carbon neutral status as quickly as possible. The plan focuses on the things we can directly influence…

… and environmental stewardship and highlights what we’ve done to reduce carbon emissions over the last decade or so. The plan sets out what we will do during the next ten years to reduce our own emissions and how we will encourage businesses and residents to reduce their emissions. Our vision is to lead the Wychavon district to be carbon neutral as quickly as possible and by 2050 at the latest…

…. We want to make the most of the opportunities that tackling climate change presents to further strengthen and grow our local economy. We also want to increase and improve a range of habitats across the district to support carbon capture and biodiversity. We’ve set a target to significantly cut our own greenhouse gas emissions and four district wide targets aimed at reducing carbon…

… to the climate emergency. Summary Target 2: Halve district wide carbon emissions by 2030 Target 4: Treble renewable energy generation in the district by 2030 Target 3: Double the size of Wychavon’s low carbon economy by 2030 Target 5: Capture at least 500 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year by 2025 The plan contains four priorities. These are energy, low carbon…


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