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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

1 result

West Midlands Combined Authority

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… financial products, from community share issues to green bonds. Navigating the action plan 1. WMCA area comprising of the geography of the Black Country, Coventry and Warwickshire, and Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnerships. This made up of the unitary and district councils of Walsall, Wolverhampton, Sandwell, Dudley, Birmingham, Solihull, Cannock Chase, East Staffordshire…

… damage across Copenhagen with claims from building owners exceeding £800m. So they took action. In Sydhavnen District a citizen-based approach was taken to develop adaptation measures to reduce the risk of future flooding. What was developed was a pocket park, Scandiasgade Park. The park that was finally built is around 13m wide and 365m long. It is divided into ‘zones’ that support nature…


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