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Search results for "district heating"

Including 5 closely related terms such as districts, district heating, and district heat.

1 result

Runnymede Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… power supplies ● The Hythe Centre plus Woodham, and New Haw Day Centre are fitted with solar panels. Magna Square: EPC A-rating including solar controlled glazing, low energy internal lighting, wastewater heat recovery system, thermal insulation, high thermal mass soffit boards and low water use fixtures. Addlestone One: mixed EPC rating A – C, District Heating System, intelligent energy…

… to be gained from working collaboratively with the county, district and borough authorities. Achieving these ambitions and successfully reaching our targets for Runnymede also requires action from national Government including further decarbonisation of the grid and changes to national policy and regulations. We will seek to engage with Government to facilitate and input to these changes…

… within easy reach of local communities by walking, cycling and public transport. Public sector working together Runnymede supports the Surrey County Council Climate Change Strategy, and is actively working with neighbouring district and borough councils to adopt a joint approach wherever possible and practical. Members and staff showing leadership The Council’s commitment…

… on the most up to date information available. This is with the express intention to be supportive to the Surrey County Council strategy and those adopted by our neighbouring districts and boroughs with which we seek to co-operate. ● Create a self-service methodology to enable service areas to identify Carbon emission reduction projects for evaluation and incorporation in the Climate Change…


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