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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

1 result

Rushcliffe Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… (Carbon Trust) TBC  Leadership in driving clean growth and housing A4. Policy and Regulation 4.1. Promote carbon reduction policies and guidance to developers working in Rushcliffe and ensure Health Development Checklist used for all appropriate planning applications Planning and growth S Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff time only…

…  Leadership in driving clean growth and housing 4.2. Investigate financial incentives for installing energy efficiency measures / low carbon technology in residential, commercial and industrial premises in Rushcliffe Financial Services M Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff time initially then budget for identified incentives  Leadership…

… on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff time only  Improving the energy efficiency of our homes 4.4. Enforcement of minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rented sector (PRS) Environmental Health S / M / L Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Enforcement costs  Improving the energy efficiency…

… of our homes 4.5. Introduce Taxi licensing minimum vehicle emission requirement (eg maximum age of vehicle, EURO class, emissions monitoring etc) Environmental Health M Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings. Carbon Footprint of conventional Taxis 600 g per passenger km (Ref5) Enforcement costs  Accelerating the shift to low carbon…

… transport 9 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy 4.6. Review Air Quality Strategy to include carbon reduction targets Environmental Health S Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff Time only…


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