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Search results for "district heating"

Including the closely related term district.

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Selby District Council

Direct link to biodiversity plan (PDF)

… Local Biodiversity Action Plan August 2004 7. However the UK BAP recognised the fact that much biodiversity conservation would have to be delivered on a local basis, so a suite of county and district plans, referred to as Local BAPs, have been produced. 8. The Selby Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) is one such plan and closely links to many neighbouring LBAPs. 9. The target…

… by drawing on Local Biodiversity Action Plans and by reference to the Regional Biodiversity Audit and the national UK BAP Habitat and Species Action Plans (Policy N1). 15. The Selby District Council Community Strategy (2002 – 2005) incorporates environmental and biodiversity concerns. 16. The North Yorkshire County Structure Plan (Alteration Number 3, October 1995) contains policies stating…

… that development will normally be permitted only where it would not harm the character and appearance, general amenity value or nature conservation interests of the surrounding area. 17. The Deposit Draft Selby District Local Plan (19976), as amended by modifications, contains policies with clear objectives to: Protect sites and habitats of nature conservation interest from inappropriate…

… development. Protect the nature conservation heritage of the District wherever it is found. Improve the number and diversity of sites and habitats of nature conservation value in the District. 18. The preparation and use of the Selby Biodiversity Action Plan is an important part of the planning process because, in addition to providing valuable information and supplementary planning guidance…

…, it also identifies specific and positive actions that can be undertaken to conserve the District’s biodiversity. Legal context for biodiversity 19. Biodiversity Action Plans are not a statutory requirement of the Local Planning Authority. However, Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) 1 advises that detailed issues may best be considered by preparing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG…


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