Including the closely related term district.
… information on the Nottingham Declaration available from /journal_content/56/10161/95708/ARTICLE-TEMPLATE Derbyshire County Council has worked with Climate East Midlands to produce Local Climate Impact Profiles9 (LCLIP) for the Authority, LSP and District/Borough Councils. The Derbyshire LCLIP report was produced in 2010 (revised…
… Council coordinates a number of partner organisations with various responsibilities. Key partners include the Environment Agency, District and Borough Councils, Parish Councils, water companies, emergency services and land owners. District and Borough Councils play a vital role in planning flood risk management and they are also responsible for authorising most planning applications…
… Plan Officer time; Funds to be identified Lead: Highway Asset/Flood Risk Management Continue the flooding research already being carried out by DCC, with input from a range of partners. Medium Ongoing Officer time Lead: Highway Asset/Flood Risk Management Others: District Authorities, including Land Drainage Officers, Environmental Health Officers and District…