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Search results for "cycling"

Including the closely related terms cycling strategy, and cycling projects.

1 result

Maldon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… their review of a refreshed Essex Cycling Strategy . The Council will lobby ECC for funding for walking and cycling projects via MDFTS and designated funds from A12 widening scheme . Long-term Strategy developed and adopted Influence investment in active In progress reviewed quarterly SPD producedUpdate the Council’s Vehicle Parking Strategy Supplementary Planning Document Evidence…

… levels of activity through walking and cycling, reducing climate anxiety and improved quality of life for residents . Community cohesion E .g . alleviation of fuel poverty, clean air, improved access to green spaces and community engagement . Economy E.g. better offices, creation of new jobs, enhanced green skills and training, Local green goods and services, local investment opportunities…

… in 2023/2024 and review the onsite facilities for car sharing, walking and cycling to and from the Council’s offices. Short-term Utilise the Council’s assets in public car parks and open spaces for public EV charging points based on ‘park and charge’ and seek funding from Department for Transport, Energy Savings Trust and Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure funding scheme . Medium- term EV…

… Prioritisation, funding, and implementation of CAMP projects Central Area Master Plan (CAMP) Project has an emphasis on deterring car use in Maldon Town Centre and prioritising walking, cycling and public transport . The Council’s Commercial team to prioritise CAMP projects . Continue to map and promote ‘Walk It Local’ routes in the District to local facilities and services, ensuring routes…

… are accessible for all . Maps produced and more people downloading the maps to use the routes on foot . All new development to be landscape led to ensure off - road walking and cycling infrastructure is designed in via Policy D1 and the Maldon District Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document . Medium-term Included in Local Development Plan (LDP) In progress reviewed quarterly…


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